Monday, November 12, 2007

refractions for the day

While I appreciate the challenge of slogging my way through Alma, picking together the pieces of what Notley presents, I sometimes sigh and wish for (and more than wish for, I go to) more clear and direct texts.

I saw an acquaintance this weekend wearing a t-shirt with picture of John Stuart Mill (wrote Utilitarianism, On Liberty, etc) and a quote by that fine old limey upon it. Anyway, clarity like that and not onslaughts of surreal owls (which I like but not in massive flocks) is nice.

No adoration for the Fatherland and Party leaders who say "let them not die in vain" and all that today or any other day--personal creativity and not mass rallies with cookies handed out for comfort after beatings. They had their rites today, fine, may they then not also have old delusions today. There were those in Falstaff's day who believed they deserved and would soon get victory and Victory and did not (maybe it was their selfish genes in them misleading). Anyway...

Of rites, I've taken part in some of the rites (reading, imagining with Alma) and spent time lying spent in the endslope of the Gully. Like the emaciated young man within I'm hungry now and pull myself out of this socket
and go eat,
something far from
either owl food or ghost food.

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